My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur was created with the intent of sharing the Rich History and Fine Engineering Design of Fishing Equipment with anyone who appreciates them as much as I do.
Like many anglers, I was introduced to fishing by a good buddy of mine more than two decades ago and this transformed from a pastime into a passion. The love for their Rich History and Fine Engineering Design got me into this collection. I shifted from the Japan Domestic Model (JDM) Tackle of the late 1990s to the Classic Abu Ambassaduers; which is the main focus of my humble collection today.
I have gained a lot over the years, from the knowledge to the wonderful friends I have made in the course of my collection; this is invaluable to me. I will like to acknowledge all my friends for their selfless contribution to the details of this website, else it will not be as detailed as I wanted it to be, benefiting our community.
The sharing of the History behind these Art-pieces provides an Educational Tour for any Users or Collectors-to-be, while the Engineering Design provides a glimpse to the feature they are associated with. In addition to the contributions from the wonderful friend of mine, references and research together with the opportunity to inspect more than 400 pieces of these fishing reels equipped me with these knowledge to share.
In this a One-Stop website, you will gain insights of the histories and also featured photos of these Fine Fishing Equipment of the various models; Enhancing your Collection and Increasing your overall fishing experience.
This is an on-going effort and I will update them as soon as I have the capacity to do so. I seek your understanding on this.
I hope you enjoy the content of this website. Wish you well in your collection and Tight Lines Always.
Requests were also made to have this website published in Japanese and I am going to attempt this so that it will reach a wider audience and serve a wider community.また、このウェブサイトを日本語で公開するよう依頼を受け、より多くの人に届き、より多くのコミュニティに奉仕できるように、これを試みるつもりです。
My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur私と同じくらい彼らに感謝する人と釣り道具の豊かな歴史とファインエンジニアリングデザインを共有することを意図して作成されました。
Terms and Condition.
1. MyTackleBox.AbuAmbassadeur is a personal website created for the benefit of the community. Any views or opinions represented in this website are based on the website owner’s research with the various references and belong solely to the him. They do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the website owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated.
2. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
3. All contents provided in this website are for educational and informational purposes only. The website owner makes no representation to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
4. The website owner will not be liable for any error or omission in this information nor for the availability of this information. The website owner will not be liable for any losses, or damage from the display or use of this information.
5. All graphics and information in this website belongs to the Propriety Rights of this website owner and any usage should be taken with the permission from him. Permission can be sought from the following email MyTackleBox.AbuAmbassadeur@gmail.com.
6. Any downloadable file, including but not limiting to PDFs, DOCs, JPEGs, PNGs are provided at the user’s own risk. The website owner will not be liable for any losses, or damages resulting from a corrupted or damaged file.
1. MyTackleBox.AbuAmbassadeurは、コミュニティの利益のために作成された個人的なウェブサイトです。本ウェブサイトに掲載されている見解や意見は、ウェブサイトの所有者の調査に基づいており、参照が異なり、彼のみに帰属します。明示的に明記されていない限り、ウェブサイトの所有者が専門的または個人的な能力で関連付けられている場合と関連付けられていない可能性のある人、機関、または組織を表すものではありません。
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