I was often asked if it is worth spending big money on the change of spool? In this article, you will see some of the difference and decide for yourself.
I am going to use the basic fundamentals of Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion for this sharing. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion states,
Force (F) = Mass (M) × Acceleration (a) (for simplistic, I will not include the vectors, static friction, sliding friction, angular into this application)
In our context, Fsummation = Fapplied – Ffriction = M x a
F applied = force applied during casting
F friction = negative resultant force from the friction of all parts
M = weight x gravity (9.8 m/s)
a = acceleration of spool
For a Tuned Reel, ⬆F summation = F applied (constant) – ⬇F friction * We know this. Lesser friction will result in a faster spinning spool and this is more controllable.
For Heavy Spool,⬆F summation =⬆M x a (constant), conversely
For Lighter Spool, ⬇F summation = ⬇M x a (constant)
So, going back to the question, why are we spending big money on a lighter spool and why is it that so much technologies were put into the design of a spool?
The answer to these questions is because a lighter spool allows the release of line at a lower initial force and this allows us to (a) better control the line release and (b) cast lighter lures. Additionally, a lighter spool also allow us to (c) cast a lure of the same weight further with the same amount of force applied as compared to one with a heavier spool.
Of course, this piece of info does not necessarily be representative on the usage of a lighter spool because there are many other parameters (line capacity, line poundage etc) that determine the casting distance for our different fishing application; hence with the correct match of our fishing equipment, we get to enjoy our fishing to its best.

私たちの文脈では、Fsummation = Fapplied – 摩擦 = M x a
F が適用 = 鋳造中に適用される力
F 摩擦 = すべての部品の摩擦による負の結果の力
M = 重量 x 重力 (9.8 m/s)
a = スプールの加速
チューニングされたリールの場合、⬆Fの合計 = F 適用(定数) – ⬇F摩擦 * 私たちはこれを知っています。より少ない摩擦はより速く回転するスプールをもたらし、これはより制御可能である
重スプールの場合⬆F の合計 =⬆M x a (定数)
より軽いスプールの場合、⬇F の合計 = ⬇M x a (定数)