My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur
It is their Rich History and Fine Engineering Design that Fascinates!
Ambassadeur Sideplates: A distinctive feature of the Ambassadeur Reels and one that is able to withstand the test of time. Through its simplicity is also the classic look which reminisce her humble beginning.
Ambassadeurサイドプレート: の特徴Ambassadeurリールと時間のテストに耐えることができるもの。そのシンプルさを通して、彼女の謙虚な始まりを思い出す古典的な外観でもあります。
The Small Ambassadeur Frames have seen minimal change (other than the Reel Foot) over the decades since her birth. Being the ‘skeleton’ of the Ambassadeur Reel, she is also the part where all the other components come together. As simple as her design may be, she is a critical part in (1) putting together an assembled Ambassadeur and (2) the Identification of an Authentic All-Up Reel.
The most significant change in the Frames of a Small Ambassadeur is her Reel Foot. These changes includes the (1) Design, (2) Thickening of Reel Foot and (3) Foot Number. With Foot Numbering System started in the mid to late 1950s for the Record Ambassadeurs in a bid to prevent ‘Back Door Activity’, this system is still adopted today; with many variations.
The Foot Numbering System evolved over the years with the Rights to market Small Ambasasdeur changed. While it may seem logical to follow a certain system in authenticating the Small Ambassadeurs, some may not be so. Frames with Mysterious Foot Number, Wrong Colour Plates or Wrongly Stamped Foot Number often drive collector crazy.
ザ スモールAmbassadeur フレームは、彼女の誕生以来、何十年にもわたって最小限の変化(リールフットを除く)を見てきました。の「骨格」であることAmbassadeur リール、彼女はまた、他のすべてのコンポーネントが一緒に来る部分です。彼女のデザインが単純であるように、彼女は(1)組み立てられたものをまとめるのに重要な部分ですAmbassadeur(2) 本物のオールアップリールの識別。
小さなフレームの最も重要な変化Ambassadeur彼女のリールフットです。これらの変更には、(1)デザイン、(2)リールフットの増粘、(3)フットナンバーが含まれます。 フットナンバーシステムは、レコードのために1950年代半ばから後半に開始されましたAmbassadeurs 「バックドア活動」を防ぐために、このシステムは現在も採用されています。多くのバリエーションを持つ。
フットナンバーシステムは、小規模な市場参入権を持つ長年にわたって進化しましたAmbasasdeur 変更。スモールを認証する際に特定のシステムに従うのは論理的に見えるかもしれませんがAmbassadeurs,そうではない人もいるかもしれません。神秘的な足の番号、間違ったカラープレートまたは間違ってスタンプされた足番号を持つフレームは、多くの場合、コレクターを狂わせます。
Reel Tuning is one of the favorite topic discussed and I too have been asked by many. This article share some basics of Reel Tuning and I hope it is useful for your next project.
WHY should we Tune a Reel? Tuning a reel allows one to bring out the best potential of his/her fishing reel so that they can perform with minimum effort (friction), thus allowing the angler to cast at ease. It is not surprising that many renowned Fishing Tackle Companies knew the importance, however it is just not economical for them to do so; either that it takes too much time, or it is too expensive to do so. Some models did attempt to do so with the addition of bearings or increase the number of polished parts, but there are much more potential left for us to tap in the reel of ours. These mentioned Factory Tune reels are often market as ‘Sports’ or ‘Racing’ version.
WHAT is Reel Tuning? Reel Tuning involves the (1) polish of all friction points, (2) increase the number of bearings and/ or (3) decreasing the weight of the parts. Of course, this also depends on your fishing application.
In this article, you will see 3 x Ambassadeur 2500C tuned in 3 different ways. I will also show you some of the PROs and CONs so that you can decide what you want and how far you will want to push ahead for your project.
Reel A (751000). Well-used 100% Original Ambassadeur 2500C,
Reel B (770200). An Original Ambassadeur 2500C Tune and Mod with 5 basic bearings (2 x Spools, 2 x Cogwheels and 1 x Levelwind), and
Reel C (070008). Ambassadeur 2500C Nostalgia fully tune with all the bearings and parts I can get.
These reels are tuned and tested without their lines so that I know they are tuned to the best of their potential. Below are the verdicts,
Reel A. This is the most economical way of tuning a reel and I am impressed with the way they function; way better then how they were first bought. However, one also need to understand that tuned parts are more susceptible to oxidization, hence frequent maintenance is required should you want it to perform at its peak all the time.
Reel B. This is the best upgrade (with tuning of cause) in my opinion because the bearings aid in the free spool and they don’t oxidize, hence able to provide a longer duration of peak performance for the user. The upgrade is also not considered expensive for a super tuned reel of this caliber. The change of a light weight spool will allow you to convert this little reel to cast super light lures.
Reel C. This is the ultimate tuning of an Ambassadeur 2500C. You can choose to do that if you have the extra cash or if you want to be different from others. The result is of cause the best in my opinion, however the additional performance does not justify for the extra extra dollar spent on the upgrade.
I hope this article benefits you in the consideration of your next project.
リールB(770200)。5つの基本的な軸受(2 xのスプール、2つのxのコグホイールおよび1つのxのレベルの風)との調整およびMod
リール A.これはリールをチューニングする最も経済的な方法であり、私は彼らが機能する方法に感銘を受けています。その後、彼らが最初に買われた方法はより良い方法。しかし、調整された部品は酸化の影響を受けやすいことを理解する必要があるため、常にピーク時に実行する場合は頻繁なメンテナンスが必要です。
It is always fascinating how a Supertuned Ambassadeur can performs; often beyond what an angler can handle. While the process of tuning such reels to its fullest potential is one that is onerous, what this brings about is also the sense of achievement.
In addition to the multiple cleaning and polishing over the process of tuning, the most important step is the inspection and matching of all its interrelated moving components; this is the essential to success.
While cleaning and polishing, some of these damage parts are often pass-off without being detected.
It is often seen that one will load lines on their spool during tuning so that it will spin longer; visually satisfying! So the question is, does a heavier spool spins longer?
The answer is yes, with higher initial force; but why is it so.
Using back Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, Fnet= ⚠P/⚠T
Fnet= net force
⚠P= product of mass
⚠T= change in velocity
For simple explanation, you can also re-write it into ⚠P=F⚠T
This formula explains why.
However from a purist perspective, I will still prefer to tune reels without their lines loaded as it allows me to know that the reel has been tuned to its fullest potential.
Fnet= 純力
⚠P= 質量の積
⚠T= 速度の変化