The Small Ambassadeur Frames have seen minimal change (other than the Reel Foot) over the decades since her birth. Being the ‘skeleton’ of the Ambassadeur Reel, she is also the part where all the other components come together. As simple as her design may be, she is a critical part in (1) putting together an assembled Ambassadeur and (2) the Identification of an Authentic All-Up Reel.
The most significant change in the Frames of a Small Ambassadeur is her Reel Foot. These changes includes the (1) Design, (2) Thickening of Reel Foot and (3) Foot Number. With Foot Numbering System started in the mid to late 1950s for the Record Ambassadeurs in a bid to prevent ‘Back Door Activity’, this system is still adopted today; with many variations.
The Foot Numbering System evolved over the years with the Rights to market Small Ambasasdeur changed. While it may seem logical to follow a certain system in authenticating the Small Ambassadeurs, some may not be so. Frames with Mysterious Foot Number, Wrong Colour Plates or Wrongly Stamped Foot Number often drive collector crazy.
Thin Foot which can only be found in Classic Ambassadeur Reel Frame.
While this is not a Post-1985 Small Ambassadeur Frame, it is still important to share difference between a Classic Frame and a Post-1985 Frame. A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in November 1984 with a set of Mysterious Foot Number. This is also the first few months when Half-Pimpled Reel Foot was adopted.
Interestingly, there is no literature of which Small Ambassadeur this frame was used.Like the previous example, this is a Classic Ambassadeur 2500C Frame (note the Thin Reel Foot) put together by her previous owner.
Today, this wonderful example is owned by Mr Axce Tan.
Photo contributed by Mr Axce Tan.This interesting reel was sighted with a Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in February 1984 (Full Pimpled Reel Foot).
While the last Two Production of Classic Ambassadeur 2500C (Gray Ambassadeur 2500C with Bronze Tag) was produced in June and September 1984, these is no literature available for this particular frame.
Photo contributed by Mr Axce Tan.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1992 during the Olympic era.
While this looks like an ordinary Black Ambassadeur Frame, it is not. What is interesting is that this frame was not used on any Small Ambassadeur because the colour of her plates were installed wrongly. An Ambassadeur bearing the Reel Foot Number of 990002 should belong to a Ambassadeur 2500C Select and this model only utilize a Gray Frame. A Foot Number that was supposed to be utilized for Gray Ambassadeur 2500C Select.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1992 during the Olympic era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 1500C De Luxe (GC).This is one of the Small Ambassadeur Frame that is able to withstand the test of time. She was used throughout the history of Small Ambassadeur, from Classic-Ebisu to Olympic to Mamiya-OP to Pure Fishing era.This is another popular Black Small Ambassadeur Frame. She was also used throughout the history of Small Ambassadeur, from Classic-Ebisu to Olympic to Mamiya-OP to Pure Fishing era.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 1500C (Gold) and Ambassadeur 1500CA.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 1500C (Blue).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2500C (Green) and Ambassadeur 2500C Nostalgia (Green).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 1500C (Red).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2500C (Red).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 1997 and 1998 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2500C (Blue).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced from 1997 to 1999 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2500C (Gold).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced from 1997 to 1999 during the Mamiya-OP era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2600C.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced during the Mamiya-OP and Pure Fishing era(1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2002) for the Ambassadeur 2500C IAR.A Rare Dealer’s SAMPLE Frame. This is the only Ambassadeur 2500C IAR Dealer’s SAMPLE frame I have seen, in addition to the Factory Assembled Dealer’s SAMPLE Ambassadeur 2500C IAR described in Ambassadeur 2500C IAR (A-A25-IAR-M-050-N-R).A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 2007 during the Pure Fishing era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 2500C (Black).The Wrongly Stamped Foot Number of 170018/07 which was NOT suppose to exist for a 2007 Black Ambassadeur 2500C.A Small Ambassadeur Frame produced in 2008 during the Pure Fishing era. This frame was used on an Ambassadeur 1500C (Sunset Orange).